Hotel Paradise Inn & Banquet



Free hotel stay - pay for food. View offer details

Stay valid between Sunday to Thursday Paying for food Is compulsory it includes unlimited dinner and breakfast 7 days prior booking

Validity : Sun - Thus

Weekend & Public Holidays View offer details

Pay 999 for per night / room Paying for food Is compulsory it includes unlimited dinner and breakfast 7 days prior booking.

Validity : Fri - Sat

Seasonal Days Booking View offer details

Get up to 25% OFF on stay Paying for food Is compulsory it includes unlimited dinner and breakfast 7 days prior booking.

Validity : Red Dates



The collection of 28 rooms comes in 3 categories double bed deluxe room, double bed executive room, and four bed deluxe room. The fully-furnished rooms are provided with LCD with remote, room service and wake up call service, etc. The attached bath is equipped with the services of hot and cold water. A heaven of luxury and comfort, the Double Bed Deluxe Room, Double Bed Executive Room, and Four Bed Deluxe Room are contemporary in design with modern amenities. The room has the elegant interiors. This room has an exquisite bathroom attached to the room. Combine the personalized attention and luxury amenities of these rooms.

Free Wi-Fi

 Free breakfast



 Laundry service

 Room service

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